Silver Streak Replaceable Sprocket Nose
Bar All around general cutting / Semi professional use / Nose sprocket
replaceable / Heat treated bar rails / Oil holes for chain lubrication / One
piece steel / Lubricated needle bearings inside nose sprocket
Silver Streak
Solid Nose Bar Single piece of steel with stellite welded to nose area (no nose
sprocket on hard nose bars) / Used in gritty conditions / Heat treated bar
rails / Oil holes for chain lubrication / Great option for professional
cutters / Best bore cutting / Chain rails are hardened for extra wear
Silver Streak Mini Laminate & Laminate Sprocket
Nose Bar All around general cutting / Best value for your dollar /
Lubricated needle bearings inside nose sprocket / Three piece steel
construction spot welded / Heat treated bar rails / Oil holes for chain
lubrication / Nose sprocket replaceable by drilling out rivets and replacing